The Escape

autor Marek Vadas


6,45 vrátane DPH

ilustrátorDaniela Olejníková

rok vydania2018



počet strán48

o knihe

The Escape by Marek Vadas tells the story of a small boy and his dog Alan as they undertake a fantastic journey through towns, countries, and continents, encountering friendship as well as rejection along the way. The inhabitants of the various places personify character traits such as prejudice, xenophobia, and indifference to the fate of others. This adventure story also offers a glimpse into the world of people for whom journeys across vast distances are a necessity of life, a particularly timely topic when the migration of refugees is at the forefront of public discourse.

The combination of Marek Vadas’ imaginative text and Daniela Olejníková’s stunning illustrations is a window into seemingly distant and exotic countries and their inhabitants, who, as it turns out, are much closer to us than we think.


The publication was financially supported by Slovak Arts Council.

o autorovi

Narodil sa v Košiciach odkiaľ po maturite na gymnáziu prichádza do Bratislavy. Absolvent estetiky a slovenského jazyka a literatúra na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave absolvoval niekoľko dlhších pobytov v Afrike; v strednej a západnej časti tohto kontinentu (Kamerun, Čad, Gabun, Nigéria) bol dosiaľ sedemkrát. Debutoval roku 1994 prózou Malý román. Zbierka poviedok Zlá štvrť sa v roku 2019 dostala do finálovej destiatky prestížnej ceny Anasoft litera.

Kniha pre deti a mládež Útek bola preložená do jedenástich jazykov.